Lunch ID Numbers
Students will be required to use their student ID to purchase lunch in all grades 1-5. This swipe card must be used to bring up a lunch account and it will be kept at school in each child’s personal belongings. In addition, the lunch ID number is used as a password for most of the websites and online access that students use. We encourage the students to memorize this number. For those new students and students entering first grade, the lunch ID number is located at the very top of the Powerschool letter that will be mailed to you.
Lunch Money
When you send in money for your child's lunch account, please be sure to write their student number on the check and place it in an envelope marked with the homeroom teacher's name as well as your child's name on the front. This will help to eliminate any confusion as to the correct placement of the funds. More info.
Early Dismissal / Parent Pick-Up
Please make sure to send in a note with your child if they will be parent pick-up or having an early dismissal. If this is going to be consistent throughout the year, only one note is necessary. You will only need to send a note in if it is going to be changing. Please remember that should you email a teacher the day of the dismissal, they might not see it because of their teaching responsibilities. If you are sending an email for an early dismissal, please send it to Mrs. Spena, the school secretary, at [email protected] . Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school office.